Gender: Male
Location: Gicumbi district, North Province
School: EAR Rugandu
Guardians: He lives with his mother
Marital Status of Parents: Unmarried
Mother/Female Guardian Employment: unemployed
Number of Siblings: 1
Brief constraint of the family: Brian is a 6-year-old boy living with his mother, step-brother, and three other relatives. abandoned by his father at birth, Brian remains a bright child. His mother, who is HIV positive, carries the burden alone. The stigma surrounding her condition makes it nearly impossible for her to find work, resulting in severe economic hardship. The family struggles to make ends meet, leading to malnutrition that stunts Brian’s cognitive growth. Your intervention, can help Brian’s dream of becoming a pilot be pursued, along with his chance for a healthier and happier life.
$40/month will provide Brian with:
- Malnutrition Monitoring and intervention
- Medical Checkups
- Mentorship and love
- School fees and scholastic materials
- A pair of shoes / year
- An introduction to the Love of God
your contribution will make a significant difference in his life