ID: Gicumbi_027

Date Of Birth: 08/06/2020

Brief info

Emeline, a lively 4-year-old who lives with her parents. She enjoys playing hide and seek and cleaning. To secure her bright future, she needs assistance with nutrition and healthcare.

Gender: Female

Location:  Gicumbi district, North Province

School: ICYIZERE Academy

Guardians: She lives with her parents

Marital Status of Parents: married

Mother/Female Guardian Employment: unemployed

Number of Siblings: 2

Brief constraint of the family: Emeline is a cheerful 4-year-old girl who stays with both her parents in a rural area. Her father  is unemployed leaving the mother who farm for others for a living to carry the responsibility alone, the COVID-19 has made matters worse, making her earning  not enough to provide for a household of 5 people. This situation is hindering Emeline’s well-being. Your support can help secure healthcare and education for her promising future.

40/month will provide Emeline with:

  1. Malnutrition Monitoring and intervention
  2. Medical Checkups
  3. Mentorship and love
  4. School fees and scholastic materials
  5. A pair of shoes / year
  6. An introduction to the Love of God

your contribution will make a significant change in her life